"Has it really?"
"Ten years, has it really been ten years
since we first moved to Honduras?"
"Yes, Hon, it was the time of the world cup when
I went to the port to claim our carton from the ship-
full of our household belongings and suburban."
"Oh, yeah, it was."
Our conversation a few days ago, realizing that
time passes so swiftly.
In a few more months, we will pass another anniversary-
the date when Cassandra Joy became part of our family.
I happened upon a blog today that took me back.
And yet, it wasn't all about the past, because
the tears that fell were in the past hour...in the NOW.
Cassandra (Cassie) Joy was our adopted daughter.
She spent the first year+ of her life with us, in her
native land, Honduras, Central America.
We shared all her firsts. And then suddenly, just as
we had bonded so closely and she was talking
to us in toddler terms of "Mama and Dada," "Minny",
(for Miranda) and "Carm" ( for our son, Carman Jordan)-
she was swept from our arms and returned to the
birth mother who had already abandoned her twice,
and would again, two more times.
The blog I read today had a scrapbook page
that said something to the effect of :
"Go ahead and cry that she is not here,
and smile that she came."
though not exactly like that.
And that is how it is. Nearly 10 years ago,
I dressed her in her Sunday best and kissed
her goodbye, whispering "Te amo para sienpre."
You may read her full story on my old blog here.
I have to sign off now, a storm is coming.
But I will be back with a page about her!
my heart is with you Amanda.