Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Hand-painted and HeARTfelt- for a purpose!

HEY Ya'll!
   In late April I resigned from designing as a business. The only selling I plan to do is my HeART Journal workshops- most of which are Faith-based.
 Proceeds from these sales will go to charities that we support. ( See Artful Soul Care post below for more info!)
My husband and I have been working on a very special project- actually,
a new chapter in life for us. As former pastors and missionaries, we still have
the heart of God very much in our sight. We have had a vision for a long time, and the past six months we have begun to put the pieces together for a new website, and new ventures. In the past, we went to other nations and lived there, helping people, building native leaders  and sharing faith.

  But the times, they have changed!  We are GLAD that they have. It's great to care
enough to move your family to a new place to share what you believe is life-changing. But let me tell you, there is a better way. Think of it like this:
You could order premium leather, thread, tools, notions and draw up a pattern to make a pair of boots. OR you could save all that time and money and possible errors by simply ordering a pair from a master shoemaker or well known boot supplier, right?
  Indigenous people (natives) already KNOW the land, the language, the laws, the culture. So saving and spending nearly a year trying to raise tens of thousands of dollars to move and support your family isn't the best option. That same money could fund hundreds of indigenous people willing and yearning to do that same work!  THAT is how things have changed.
In the past 6 months,
 the focus of our vision did a MAJOR SHIFT!

 We call it HISNET Ministries Worldwide. Jesus gave the Great Commission. In our humanness, we split it into our own little pieces of the pie, and allowed divisions, criticisms, and hindered the success of simply sharing the good news of hope and love. The Lord is directing us (Believers) to set that aside and work together;
One Body, ONE Mission!

    Note that it is NOT named after us, like so many people do!
The focus is no longer on what we did, do or wanna do. It is HIS net- a network online, a sort of Faith-based Craig's List- maybe we should call it "Christ's List"?!!

 ALL Christian Believers are welcome, regardless of location, vocation or denomination/non denomination.  HISNET Arbor is the FREE Community/forum- a place to share what you are about- what your dreams are and any way you want to help/receive help!   All you need to do is join- register in the forum and post away!!! Be sure to introduce yourself in the Introductions section!

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