Atelier: atelier [ˈætəlˌjeɪ (French) atəlje]
n. an artist's studio or workshop
[from Old French astelier workshop, from astele chip of wood,
from Latin astula splinter, from assis board]
"Wherefore, my dearly beloved, (as you have always obeyed,
not as in my presence only, but much more now in my absence,)
with fear and trembling work out your salvation." Philippians 2:12
What is a "Faith Journal Workshop" ?

It is an opportunity to explore, express and
experience your faith relationship
with the Lord in a creative way. It is a collaboration between you
and the Lord in an artistic vein as you "work out your salvation",
and The Master Carpenter carves, forms His likeness in you.
I often discover new things about myself and unlock answers
to questions that have plagued my heart for a time when I create a Faith Journal page.
Sometimes the Lord directs the creation of it much like a potter does his clay on the wheel,
and gently impresses truth upon my heart that makes me much lighter, freer
in the end than I was at the outset of the process.
A faith journal workshop can bring healing, restoration, joy and great freedom!
Three (3) Faith Journaling Workshops are in the shoppe
for 2013;
Order My Steps made its debut on December 31st, 2012.

Two available formats:
Online & Live- with online chats and forum interaction
On My Own- download and work at your own pace and in your own way
More information coming: see the pages below for a sneak peek!
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