Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bulletin Board makeover in a Snap!

My studio recently underwent a big change.
Instead of a makeover, it was greatly reduced.
Our son moved back in and there went my space. 
But I still have a space and am creating more than before.
Ironic, huh?  I just finished embellishing my bulletin board.
From this: 

to this:
I used a simple foam core presentation board, cut it, painted it and
glued the sucker on top of that boring thing. Now I have something 
interesting facing me when I post to you,
these are my surroundings , you can
see the top of my monitor in the photo above. :D

Blog Post end sig small

1 comment:

  1. It looks gorgeous !!! Great job. And I just loveeeee that little thing saying I design therefore I am. Well said dear.
